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Sisteme contabile comparate

Contabilitatile anglo-saxone
Feleaga, Niculae 3 of 3 1007 Sala de lectura 1

Introducere in realitatile europene

Profiroiu, Alina 2 of 2 1157 Sala de lectura 1

Inteligenta strategului

Arta afacerilor in Japonia
Ohmae, Kenichi 2 of 2 1348 Sala de lectura 1

Salariul si motivatia muncii

Done, Ioan 3 of 3 1368 Sala de lectura 1

Romania - Israel

50 de ani de relatii diplomatice
Preda, Dumitru, coord. 5 of 5 1430 Sala de lectura 1

Informatia contabila si pietele de capital

Dutescu, Adriana 3 of 3 1439 Sala de lectura 1

Contabilitatea inflatiei

Teorie, practica, modelari informatice
Tugui, Alexandru 3 of 3 1440 Sala de lectura 1

Reforma contabilitatii romanesti intre modelul francez si anglo-saxon

Neag, Ramona 3 of 3 1482 Sala de lectura 1

Dictionar bursier adnotat

Chelariu, Isabelle 2 of 2 1496 Sala de lectura 1

Managementul strategic al colectivitatilor locale

Profiroiu, Marius 3 of 3 1587 Sala de lectura 1

Sisteme informatice de marketing

Orzan, Gheorghe 5 of 5 1604 Sala de lectura 1

Control financiar si expertiza contabila

Boulescu, Mircea 3 of 3 171 Sala de lectura 1

Business to Business Marketing

Anghel, Laurentiu-Dan 3 of 3 1858 Sala de lectura 1


Balan, Carmen 3 of 3 1859 Sala de lectura 1

Comunicarea in marketing

-concepte, tehnici, strategii-
Popescu, Ioana Cecilia 5 of 5 1860 Sala de lectura 1

Series Search

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